Hatch condemns Obama administration’s comments on Israel

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sen. Orrin Hatch sent a letter to President Obama Friday condemning the comments made by senior administration officials regarding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and calling for the dismissal of those responsible.

According to an article in “The Atlantic” titled “The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here,” Obama administration officials described Netanyahu as “recalcitrant,” “myopic,” “reactionary,” “obtuse,” “blustering,” “pompous,” and “Aspergery.” The article also recounts a senior official referring to Netanyahu as a “chickens***” and a “coward.”

“These comments are flagrantly offensive and wholly inaccurate,” Hatch wrote. “Throughout his life and tenure in office, Prime Minister Netanyahu has conducted himself with honor, dignity, and the highest distinction. He has proven himself both a capable defender of the State of Israel and a willing partner for peace, as well as a true and loyal friend of the United States.”

Hatch noted the comments are deeply harmful to the U.S.’s vitally important relationship with Israel and called Israel America’s most reliable partner and friend in the Middle East.

He also called on the president to identify and fire those senior members of his administration that had made such remarks.

Hatch’s full letter to the president

Dear Mr. President,

I write to you today out of concern arising from comments made by members of your Administration that appeared in Jeffrey Goldberg’s October 28, 2014 article in ‘The Atlantic’ entitled, ‘The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here.’ The article quotes ‘Obama administration officials’ describing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as ‘recalcitrant,’ ‘myopic,’ ‘reactionary,’ ‘obtuse,’ ‘blustering,’ ‘pompous,’ and ‘Aspergery.’ The last term, employed as a pejorative, presumably refers to Asperger Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder affecting an estimated 600,000 Americans. The article also recounts a senior official referring to Prime Minister Netanyahu as a ‘chickens***’ and a ‘coward.’

These comments are flagrantly offensive and wholly inaccurate. Throughout his life and tenure in office, Prime Minister Netanyahu has conducted himself with honor, dignity, and the highest distinction. He has proven himself both a capable defender of the State of Israel and a willing partner for peace, as well as a true and loyal friend of the United States.

Beyond their offensiveness and inaccuracy, these comments are deeply harmful to our vitally important relationship with Israel and its duly elected leader. As a nation, the United States has long shared a unique bond with Israel that each of your predecessors since President Truman has sought to preserve and strengthen. The American people expect you to follow in this important tradition of friendship with Israel—a critical legacy that has been endangered by these despicable remarks.

I applaud Secretary of State Kerry for condemning these remarks for what they are: unacceptable. On behalf of my fellow Americans, I ask that you order a complete and thorough investigation to determine the identity of these senior members of your administration and, once identified, terminate these officials’ service. No less than immediate dismissal can demonstrate that such remarks do not in any way represent the policy or attitude of your administration or of the United States government. At this time of enormous challenges in the Middle East, we cannot afford any attenuation in America’s relationship with our most reliable partner and friend in the region.

Thank you for your prompt consideration. I look forward to the speedy resolution of this matter.


Orrin G. Hatch United States Senator

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  • Dana November 1, 2014 at 9:31 am

    BFD, Orrin. You wrote a letter over what someone else said about Netanyahu. Why have you NEVER been in Obama’s face about what he says about Israel and Netanyahu? Go back to writing your sappy songs. You’re less offensive that way. You need to retire.

  • Fred November 1, 2014 at 12:10 pm

    Good for Senator Hatch. We all know that Barry hates Israel. He attended a “church” for over 20 years listening to the so called “Reverend” Wright and his hate speech. What do you expect Barry to say or do?

    We support Israel and love the Jewish People. Thank you Senator Hatch.

    ps Now Senator Hatch if you would only start an investigation looking into Barry’s background and his proven fraudulent credentials.

    • Chris November 1, 2014 at 2:28 pm

      No one is starting any investigation in Congress into Obama’s background. Only wackos like you still believe there is anything yet to discover on that matter. If you support Israel, it shows all the more what a chump you are.

  • Bender November 1, 2014 at 12:43 pm

    Count on Uncle Orrin to bemoan the extreme partisan politics that plague the nation but to never miss a chance to let the snot nosed Young Republican twerps manning his office to pen these cheap snipes at every turn.
    FYI FRED, every move the Israelis make is not blessed of God.

  • StGeoSenior November 1, 2014 at 7:36 pm

    Condemned? Who is he to condemn anyone? The Pope?

  • S Steed November 1, 2014 at 9:41 pm

    The genocide of Palestinians is what you call conducting himself with honor and dignity. 2% of the US population is Jewish and yet that group controls the media/Hollywood, the Fed/banks/money, and politics/supreme court; which explains why Hatch is standing up for them. Hatch has never represented the people of Utah, he is just a b!+ch of the Zionist elite. The income tax goes toward paying the interest on the debt we owe to the Fed, and as long as their media can keep people distracted by fear and division, then we wont even realize that we are enslaved. We have been infested by a parasite, and its sucking us dry; yet so many people here in Utah feel like we need to support Israel. Why?? For gods sake TURN OFF THE TV!!

    • Fred November 2, 2014 at 8:07 pm


      If (as you say) the Jewish People control the media your comment would not have been printed. I rest my case.

      Another thing. Did you know that the God you pray to was a Jewish Rabbi? Go figure. Let go of your hate. It is bad for your health.

      • S Steed November 3, 2014 at 9:01 pm

        The Editor-in-Chief of this publication is a fan of Israel and I suspect, Jewish. That’s not important except to say, that influence is here. I don’t hate anyone; I’m just frustrated with the volume of lies that have been pounded into us to the point that so many accept it as fact. Israel is historically proficient at false flag events and propaganda, but you must get out of their version of news to realize that. Even now, Israel is killing hundreds of Palestinians, but if you watch the MSM you would think they are the victim; even though no Israelies have been killed in Israel during this conflict. I know that I am the problem and the solution, and I’m very grateful that I can speak my truth; I know that kind of thing can cost you your job in this profession. I would just love to challenge the people of Utah to step out of the culture of conformity and learn to think for oneself.
        P.S. I’m not Chris, and you don’t know what god I pray to.

  • Fred November 1, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    To Bender and Chris:


    Read and Weep.

  • tc rider November 2, 2014 at 8:33 am

    sounds like orins been drinking the water from bundys ranch again.

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